Consider these Arizona economic incentives to reduce your energy bills:
Utility rebates of up to $3 per installed watt
Federal tax credit of up to $2000
Arizona state tax credit of up to $1000
System cost is state sales tax exempt
SRP-Salt River Project – Solar Incentive Program |
Residential and Commercial customers of the Salt River Project Grid-tie systems
only – All systems You can read about SRP EarthWise Solar Energy for residential customers by using the following link:
SRP's headquarters is located at:
1521 N. Project Drive
Tempe, AZ 85281-1298
USES – UniSource Energy Services |
SunShare Program UniSource Energy Services |
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program |
The Clearinghouse (LIHEAP) expands and enhances information exchange on low-income energy issues through the national low-income energy network. The LIHEAP Clearinghouse serves as a web-based information service for state, tribal and local LIHEAP providers, as well as others interested in low-income energy issues. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds LIHEAP Clearinghouse. |
Information on this page was believed to be correct when assembled. Programs will most likely change over time so use this as a guide, not as absolute fact. Links may change at any time. |